Sunday 17 March 2019

Bele poklade - white carnival in Serbia

The holyday is called White carnival because people usually eat white cheese, and the next day the fasting begins. Then people do not eat meat or any product of animal origin (milk, eggs, etc).
There are four holydays called POKLADE: before Christmas, before Easter, before St. Peter's day and before the Day of the Mother of God. 
Prostene ili Procka poklade means that people forgive if others offended them, so other people will forgive us, if we offended them, and so that we can begin the fasting period before the biggest holydays clean and clear. On this day, when cheering to guests by the glass of wine, people say: "Forgive me, for we enter the fasting like a sea", and others say: "Let it be forgiven by God, and you forgive me, too."

1 comment:

  1. We have similar customs in Greece which I believe come from the long time people have lived side by side for ages before the time of the birth of nations as we know them now, as part of the old empires, Roman, Byzantine,Ottoman.


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