Wednesday 22 July 2020

Ukrainian pen-friends present their Greek pen-friends

Our first Quality Label for the project!!!!!

Congratulations Valentyna! Well done!!!



Word clouds to celebrate our beautiful names!

Our epistolary e-book

Here is the epistolary story-book we created, with imaginary post-cards, our students wrote to imaginary grandparents, with imaginary identities. The identities of the characters are students who migrated with their families to England or other countries seeking for a better life. A subject which our students are sensitive about and we discuss about at school. Many of our students or their parents, came to Greece (in our case) seeking for a better future and better conditions of life.

Monday 6 July 2020


Our blog has been silent for four months!!! The COVID 19 lockdown affected all the apsects of our lives.
It was Tuesday 10th March, our schools here in Greece, were locked down, to control the spread of the pandemic. Distance working became the new "thing". Our project continued through our twinspace platform. Student and teacher parnters learned that technology can be a great tool if used creatively and wisely. But what is more important is that it did not disrupt our communication. We couldn't send letters but we had to communicate with our parnters. So social media and collaborative platforms proved very useful partners in our project and it offered a dimension in our research we would have never expected. Our Greek ancestors used to say " Ουδέν κακόν αμιγές καλού" meaning that even bad things have a positive side or "every cloud has a silver lining". We don't forget the people who lost their lives but even in Pandoras Box the last thing left was a good thing, "hope".

So please stay safe and I believe that, as histroy of humanity has proven, we will go through this pandemic too. As human beings, we have survived not because we have thumbs, we walk standing up on our two legs or we are the most intelligent being on earth (we are just different) but because we adapt in every condition. So BE SAFE, STAY SAFE, so can communicate.