Friday, 4 October 2019

Childrens TV show "What would have happened if it happened" (Шта би било, кад би било)

In this famous childrens TV show the host was Aca the mailman.

It was an educational TV show of the Belgrade Television, which was on air from 1986 until 1988. It was again on air at the beginning of the 90s. The host's name was Mladen Andrejevic, but beside him, a lot of preschoolers were in the show, named little postmen. A lot of famous actors and TV personalities were guests of the show. 
The show was dealing with the important questions of growing up. Kids were sending letters to Aca the mailman in which they told him their troubles and dilemmas. Every letter's beginning was: "Dear Aca and the little mailmen..." He would have read the letter, and with the help of the little mailmen, he would help solving the problem. Their helper was also the animated purple pidgeon Guta, who also had a mailman's hat and bag. Guta would sing the instructive answer. 
They had an official song: 
Аца је увек Аца,
од напред и од натрашке,
Аца је увек Аца,
за странце и за нашке.
Аца је незаменљив,
кад нешто низбрдо крене,
његова велика торба,
примиће тебе и мене.

Aca is always Aca,
from the front and from the back (meaning: you read his name the same from the beginning as from the end)
Aca is always Aca,
for the foreigners and the ours.

Aca is irreplaceable,
when something goes wrong,
his huge bag
will embrace you and me.

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